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The Little Hooded Men
Dead One's Pets Mr. Cthulu
Death Inc. Death
[ The Little Hooded Men ]
Weapon: The Scythe Better Known As: Death Jr.
The Dead One is the leader of the group, as he is Death's own son. Pissed at the world, he loves his job of ridding the planet of humans. No, he's not out for world conquest, he's just out for world abomination, so that it would be nice and quiet. Plus, since he isn't restricted to Hell, he can happily send all the bothersome souls down there to pester his father.
The Dead one is rather young, actually the youngest of the group by a couple of centuries. However, he has the temper of a crotchety old man and a mean streak the length of two Midgard Serpents. Cross him and you'll die a slow painful death, and it will be slow since he can control the rate of your dying.
He has some weak spots, though. and they will be revealed as the comic go by. For one thing, Dead One is actually very self-conscious, as shown by the incident with the opera glasses. The Dead One also loves pets. He has a whole basement full of them.
Weapon: The Sword Better Known As: Murder
The Vulgar One, obviously, is extremely vulgar. And violent. And angry. And loud. He hates everything just because he does. The only things he doesn't hate is alcohol, women, TV, and hating.
After hating all those centuries, Vulgar One became so one dimension that his presence bug the freaky Hell out of Dead one. But hidden beneath all those layers of hate, theres....well, not much. Something is there, but that would be spoiling too much for yah.
Better Known As: Famine
The Hungry One craves for food 24\7. After being locked up in a cell in Hell for eons and forgotten about for twice as long, it's no wonder. But where does all the food go to? He hasn't gained more than 10 lbs since his release from prison, and that was a long ass time ago. Hungry One himself doesn't know.
He's skilled in the art of whining, though, as he had centuries of practice as the rest of the Hooded Men restricted the kitchen and the storage room from him with expensive spells (apparently, he ate the bargain-shelf one they first put up.)
It's been rumored that he accidentally ate a whole dimension on a mission once, and that is where all the food's been.
Better Known As: Plague
The Diseased One is the Goth of the bunch. Always depressed and always sick with something or other, he really is a tortured soul. He hates his servitude with Death, because there will never be a way for him to die. The poor thing.
He is the one no one wants to be around. No one, not even him, chose him to be on the team. Fate picked him. The sad thing is, is that She didn't specifically picked him. In fact, she just closed her eyes and jabbed her finger down on Earth. And that was how he was chosen. Hehe.
Better Known As: Stupidity
This dude has a serious case of confusion on his hand. Even in his mortal life, he was confused about everything. In his mind, there is no straight line. Just a bunch of squiggly doodles.
Oh god, I could write a book about this one, but I won't. I'll just tell you, that he got confused between life and death. He was so confused, he became neither nor, as in that he's not dead, nor is he alive. He wasn't sure which one he was. He is the only Hooded Man that didn't die. At all. It's weird. o.o
Better Known As: Odd Deaths
This one's a cousin of Dead One. He's one of the randomest soul you can find in Hell, and that's saying a lot, considering the weird people that enjoys Hell.
He acts purely on impulse, saying and doing things that pop up in his head. This aspect of him makes him sometimes the stupider one (like calling the Dead One "dorky")
The Misc. One is probably the most technologically advance of the Hooded Men, as he has several talents that have no relation to each other and his state of mind. He can answer any riddle that has an answer, read in several language and all their dialects, and can knit very well.
Better Known As: umm...Shovel?
I don't know why he's on the team. No one knows. I think he's just filler. Iono. Maybe Fate knows something we don't know?
And why a shovel?
Better Known As: Piece of Junk
This little object was found one day by Misc. One, and...I'll leave it at that for now, before I spoil you too much.
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Little Hooded Men is © to Cindy Liu and is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. Steal and I'll have Mr. Cthulu violate your virgin ass. =D